Our Services

Dispute Resolution

Our Dispute Resolution team handles litigation, arbitration, adjudication, First -Tier Tribunal proceedings, as well as all aspects of dispute resolution.

In any type of business relationship, be it a partnership, contractual or landlord and tenant, it is a fact of life that disputes will occur.  Resolving such disputes quickly, effectively and in the most cost conscious way is always your reason for consulting lawyers. Our Dispute Resolution lawyers have the experience and expertise to help you to achieve just such an outcome.

Dispute resolution is evolving and we recognise that some methods may be more suitable to you and your opponent than others.  Where negotiation may quickly settle an issue, other matters may require more input such as a settlement meeting, an expert determination or attending mediation.  Whatever the process, our aim is always to help you to achieve the outcome that satisfactorily resolves your dispute and enables you to either sever a business or contractual relationship that has failed, to continue to work with your business partner to maintain a successful business and protect your assets, or to resolve a landlord and tenant issue.

Litigation is never recommended but some disputes cannot be resolved and inevitably end up going through the courts or arbitration.  In litigating your matter we will guide you through the process expertly using all our experience gained over many years of dealing with cases at all levels of the court system, whether it be proceedings in the lower courts or appeals to the higher courts.